Friday 27 December 2013

Psalm 27 (Part 5)

For he will conceal me there when troubles come,
He will hide me in his sanctuary.
He will place me out of reach on a high rock.

We are not far from troubles in this life, there never seems a time where we can claim smoothe trouble free sailing as a Christian in this life, Satan just will not allow that...

But we can be so thankful that we have a God that cares, we can trust that he will hide us in his sanctuary when trouble comes our way.

When you are going through a tough time, when you feel like you are being treated unjustly, when you feel like no one can help you, when you don't see any hope in a bad situation and when you just do not know what to do to make the situation better just remember that He will place you out of reach of that trouble on a high rock if you but come to Him for help.

Pray pray pray

Seek Gods help on the rough situation you are facing because He can help, He will help and His answer to the situation will be the best.

God Bless you

Thursday 14 November 2013

Psalm 27 (Part 4)

Psalm 27:4

The one thing i ask of the Lord-
The one thing i seek the most-
Is to live in the house of the Lord all
the days of my life,
delighting in the Lords perfections
and meditating in His temple.

All my life i have had the privilege of growing up in church, not a sunday would go by when my dad would not take us to church and for that i am truly grateful.

I cant tell you how much peace, joy and fulfilment i feel when i am in the house of the Lord, it energises me, it grounds me and it fills me with joy overflowing to be hearing Gods word and to be in the presence of so many people in love with the Lord all at one time.

I know many can say that it becomes religious to just say i have to be in church every sunday, but i tell you for me it is not about religion  i go because i need to go for my soul, i need to be in Gods house because it floods these bones with life, there i feel most at home and there i am most revived.

When i worship the Lord in His house i feel His presence so strong i know his touch in my heart and i am transformed.

Dear Jesus
I pray that all who enter your house will be transformed by your presence please flood us with life and let us never take for granted the fact that we can freely enjoy meeting in your house every sunday, we thank you and praise you 
In Jesus name

God Bless you all

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Psalm 27 (Part 3)

Psalm 27:3

Though a Mighty army surrounds me, 
my heart will not be afraid.
Even if i am attacked,
I will remain confident.

This is beautiful, truly beautiful to feel so confident in the Lord.

We can trust our God, he will protect us, just meditate on this verse, spend a week just soaking in this verse, let it go deep into your heart, let it transform your mind and let it soak into your soul. Let your bones find strength in the power of these life giving words of God.

Daily we are surrounded by a mighty army, it is an army that seeks to steal our confidence in the Lord and our happiness, to kill our marriages and our relationship with God, and to destroy or hearts and our minds and our walk with God, this army is working hard to bring death and darkness and depression.

But we WILL NOT be afraid, Even if they attack us WE WILL remain confident because there is an even MIGHTIER army surrounding us, The Army of the Host of Heaven is Around us, Jesus has us surrounded by his Mighty Angels, He has us surrounded by a Holy Hedge of Fire and If we but pray for His protection and believe we have it we shall see victory over darkness in this life, God is so Good, God is so Strong and God is so Victorious!

Dear Lord Jesus
Please be With your people, those who love you and those who live for you
Please surround us by your Holy Angels, we pray that you will give them wisdom and power beyond compare to fight the good fight and to recieve victory over darkness
We pray that you will surround us by your Holy hedge of fire and that you will protect us from the evil one and all his helpers
Lord we trust you implicitly, Lord we love you beyond compare
Lord you are enough for us
Thank you in Jesus' name Amen

God Bless you All

Saturday 9 November 2013

Psalm 27 (Part 2)

Psalm 27:2
When evil people come to devour me
when my enemies and my foes attack me
They will Stumble and fall.

From now until kingdom come we will be attacked because we are living for the King of heaven in a world that is run by an evil ruler Satan.

I know i am fighting my enemies all day everyday, they are not always physical, actually they are rarely physical for me...


Ill tell you.

I am fighting my thoughts a lot, bad thoughts that come and attack me, try to drag me into a space of negativity and judgement of others.
These are our enemies tactics.

I fight anger a lot too, one way the devil can distract me from living a life of freedom, joy and peace.

I fight feeling like i am better than others because i know the Lord, that is not Gods way and it destroys relationships and even puts people off coming to the lord.

I am fighting battles daily because the devil wants to get my attention of God and the things of God and more than ever he wants to stop me practicing being like God because that is where change is found.

In my obedience of practicing the attitudes and the behaviours of Jesus Christ my life is transformed and bears much good fruit.

Take heart because the devil will not carry victory because Jesus Christ already has the victory through dying on the cross for you and me, take His hand accept Jesus and find a life of Hope.

Remember Satan will stumble and fall because The Lord is our light and our salvation, let us take heart let us take up our Armour let us concentrate on each second of the life we have been given, and lets appreciate every living second we have because it is just SO SO Precious.

Thank you Jesus for protecting us, thank you for looking after us, thank you that you have victory over darkness and thank you that we can live in Peace and Joy and Love when we practice your thoughts and your ways and your word, Jesus give us strength and wisdom to withstand the enemies attacks
In Jesus' name we pray


God Bless Y'all

Friday 8 November 2013

Psalm 27 (Part1)

Psalm 27, the psalm that has gotten me through many an impossible situation including two labours and births pain free with no epidurals, Gods word has such POWER.

"The Lord is my light and my salvation;
So why should i be afraid.
The Lord is my fortress protecting me from danger
So Why should i tremble?

We have a God who fear FEARS, we do not need to be afraid of anything because our God is the God who owns EVERYTHING.


Be Blessed

Monday 4 November 2013

If Tomorrow Never comes

Today is so precious, we often don't realise how precious it is until tomorrow comes with new, and often problems that we never saw coming...

Let us remember that God has gifted us with today, no matter what we are going through we are growing and learning and really are holding a most precious and fragile gift of time in our hands.

Every second counts because time is so fleeting these days, Lets enjoy the day from the time it begins till the time it ends.

That crying child, lets cherish them, because some cannot even have a child.
Those house chores, lets enjoy them, because some do not even have a place to call home.
The chore of having to think and then cook dinner, lets be thankful, because some do not even had food for days...

God says in 

James 4:13-16 

Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit"- yet you don't know what tomorrow will bring.
What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, "if the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that."

God gives and God can take away, lets love what we are given because we don't know the day it will be taken away

God please open our eyes to the privileges you have given
Please let us not be selfishly driven
We want to live with gratefulness in our hearts
For each second and each new day that starts
Thank you Jesus in your name we pray

God Bless you all

Thursday 31 October 2013

The Lord is My Shepard

Psalm 23

The Lord is my Shepard
I shall not want...

I don't seem to stop wanting in this consumer driven society that i live in, sad but true...

I want a camera, i get it
I want clothes, i get them
I want a new lap top, i get it
and well frankly the list goes on.

But let me tell you from experience that none of those things satisfy my soul, none of those things make me happy for long, and none of those things fill that hunger inside for something to make me inner peace.

That is because i should not be seeking things to make me happy, in life no matter what we yearn for, if it is not yearning for and receiving the love of our Shepard Jesus, we will never be satisfied.

Let us begin to want for the Lord, to seek Him and there we shall find contentment, peace and rest

God bless you